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Room facilities: what you need to specify in the apartment description


Room facilities: what you need to specify in the apartment description.

Quite often, the presence of certain equipment in the rooms of guest accommodation facilities becomes the reason whether the guest will buy this particular room for accommodation and how he will make his reservation – directly, through the object’s resource on the internet or through sales channels.

Hoteliers consider it necessary to carefully work on the description of what will propan the room, paying attention to what is worth specifying and what is better not to write about.


Clear and as complete a list of room equipment as possible.

Based on the fact that the complete set of a room can be the main factor in booking it by a guest, make a thorough list of apartment equipment, checking the information so that you do not forget to specify anything.

This is just as important as the description of the accommodation object itself, the correctness and completeness of which affect the choice of a potential guest.

Carefully check whether the room equipment descriptions on your website and on OTA channels match.

Checking such information is important, because the difference in descriptions on the site of the placement object and on OTA channels can provoke many conflict situations that will have a bad impact on the future reputation of your object.

In addition, psychologically, a person tends to choose those numbers that have complete and understandable lists of their equipment, so you should synchronize the information on the main site with information on all sales channels.


Life hack: make it possible for guests to choose a bed in their room.

Employees of accommodation facilities know that when the equipment of rooms is specified as meaningfully as possible, it removes a lot of unnecessary questions from guests, freeing up staff time for such answers and searching for information, allowing them to do many other important things.

In addition, the choice of bed has a positive effect on site visitors and gives them the impression of the most independent choice of their location when traveling.


Adjust the list of equipment numbers.

You don’t need to specify “extra information” in this list, so as not to make the description too voluminous.

In particular, you should not specify the same type of information in different room categories, so as not to overload the room card and confuse guests in their choice.


Make hardware settings available on the placement object’s website.

Real estate management systems will help you do this. In particular, the booking module from OtelMS allows you to configure the equipment of rooms, helping guests immediately deal with this issue and make a direct booking without leaving the site of the object.


What should be in the bathroom of the room.

If your property offers rooms with private bathrooms, you should also specify what such restrooms are equipped with.

As a rule, the standard set of bathroom equipment includes:
* liquid soap or its version “in pieces”;
* disposable bags or containers with shampoo, shower gel, etc.;
* disposable containers with cream, in particular for hands;
* disposable toothpaste and brush set;
* a set of clean towels.

You should understand how important it is to spend time describing the equipment of your rooms. This will determine how quickly the guest will become interested in your particular accommodation facility and make a direct booking.


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